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In 2020, the International Youth Summer School will celebrate its 10th anniversary.

Previously, the event was held in the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Russia, Croatia and China, the anniversary event was decided to be held in Icelandic Reykjavik from June 25 to 30.

In addition to its main partners, the University of Iceland will support the Youth School, which guarantees participants invaluable experience.

Traditionally, relevant topics will be raised at the sessions, in accordance with the vectors of development of the modern world community. This year, the focus will be on topic “Future Workplace Sustainability Skills: Preparing for the Transition.”

Due to the rapid development of technology and the introduction of digitalization, many people cannot get used to some of the innovations. The main problem is replacing a person with a robot. Innovation causes millions to lose their jobs. In order to mitigate this transition period and help society adapt to the pace of world development, decision-making and consensus building are needed. This is what will be discussed at the sessions of the International Youth Summer School. Indeed, it is for young people who have a great influence and think creatively. In addition, trends in various areas will be analyzed and further development vectors will be proposed.

The international organization Youth Time, which organizes the School, annually invites experts and recognized leaders from all over the world so that they can share their experience and worldview with young people, as well as encourage young people to solve important problems of the modern world.

In addition, the Youth School provides a unique chance to meet like-minded people from other countries, share experience and learn how the system works in another part of the world. During the event, all boundaries between those who plan to contribute to the development of modern society are erased.

The International Youth Summer School is a unique chance to combine business with pleasure. It provides an opportunity to discover new cultures and gain unique knowledge and experience.

It is important that there are no boundaries between participants, speakers and experts, communication becomes open and easy.

All information can be found on the official website: https://youth-time.eu/ytsummer-in-reykjavik-call-for-participants/



Author: Anna Demina