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Vladimir Putin's press secretary said on Thursday that Russian President rejected Barack Obama’s request that he free captured Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko.

Vladimir Putin's press secretary said on Thursday that Russian President rejected Barack Obama’s request that he free captured Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko.

“The (U.S.) president has been given multiple clarifications on this matter, as have other colleagues abroad on other levels of government, since we are speaking about a judicial procedure and any meddling outside the jurisdiction of our courts is unacceptable and impossible,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Interfax.

Moreover, Peskov added is too early to make any assessments on this case, that is why until the end of the trial and the announcement of the verdict this is impossible.

According to Euronews, not only does Savchenko’s lawyer deny that she is guilty of killing the two Russian journalists, he has also insisted his client was detained by pro-Russian rebels in her own country of Ukraine and illegally handed to the Russian authorities. He has claimed Savchenko was captured months before the deaths of the Russian journalists in June 2014